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Marcel Franke

Research Assistant and Ph.D. Candidate

Mail: marcel.franke@vwl.uni-freiburg.de
Tel.: +49 - (0)761 - 203-2320
Raum: 03011 Rempartstraße 16
Consultation by arrangement

Dissertation Project:
The social debate about an unconditional basic income has undoubtedly flared up again. Scientific concepts and analyses can help to contribute to their progress. However, the risk of misunderstandings must be particularly taken into account in such accessible and comprehensive issues. Therefore, a basic explanation of what social sciences can contribute to this is given first. In compliance with and illustrating this, the demand of a universal basic income for possible attributes of a market economy society is discussed.

Teaching Experience:
Supervision of Thesis for Bachelor and Master

SS 20 Tutorial in Public Sector Economics
SS 20 Supervision of student group in the Seminar Basic Income and Social Justice
WS 19/20 Tutorial in Economics of Social Justice
SS 19 Tutorial in Public Sector Economics
SS 19 Supervision of student group in the Seminar Basic Income and Social Justice
WS 18/19 Tutorial in Economics of Social Justice
WS 18/19 Tutorials in Economic Policy and Public Choice
SS 18 Tutorial in Einführung in die Wirtschaftspolitik (Introduction in economic policy)
SS 18 Tutorial in Constitutional Economics
SS 18 Supervision of student groups in the Seminar Basic Income and Social Justice
WS 17/18 Tutorial in Economics of Social Justice
WS 17/18 Tutorial in Economic Policy and Public Choice
SS 17 Tutorial in Einführung in die Wirtschaftspolitik (Introduction in economic policy)
SS 17 Tutorial in Constitutional Economics
SS 17 Supervision of student groups in the Seminar Basic Income and Social Justice
WS 16/17 Tutorials in Management of Information Systems
WS 15/16 Tutorials in Management of Information Systems
WS 14/15 Tutorial in Management of Information Systems

Research Interests:
Universal basic income
Political philosophy: notably Constitutional Economics and Economics of Social Justice
Regulatory policy
Research Groups and Projects:
Member of the Basic Income Research Group (BIRG)
Synergies from an Integrated Renewable Energy Supply and Storage System in the Upper Rhine Region: An Interdisciplinary Analysis (RES_TMO)

"UBI as a Mean to Peace: The European Case of a Toleration Premium" at the conference Basic Income and the Euro-Dividend as Sociopolitical Pillars of the EU and its Member Countries 2018

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