Basic Income Research Group BIRG
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker
Fon: email: Room: | +49 - (0)761-203-9457 bernhard.neumaerker AT 2430, Kollegiengebäude II |
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker (Director)
Fon: email: Room: | +49 - (0)761-203-2318 ana.palermokuss AT 2436, Kollegiengebäude II |
Ana Palermo Kuss (PhD Student)
Fon: email: Room: | --- max.trommsdorff AT --- |
Fon: email: Room: | +49 - (0)761-203-9457 marcelfranke AT 2303, Kollegiengebäude II |
Marcel Franke (PhD Student)
Thematic Overview
The Basic Income Research Group (BIRG) of the Department of Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory analyses effects of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) on labor supply, voluntary work, and the society as a whole. One focus is on the ordopolitical development of a UBI and assessment of a social-contractarian legitimized UBI. Parts of the research is done within the SoCoLab and Basic Income Seminars. of the Department.
Main Resarch Areas
Social-contractarian legitimization of a UBI
Ordopolitical logic of a UBI
Problems of time allocation and time souvereignity in the labor-leisure model and its switches throuch income changes
Voluntary work and its relation towards a UBI
Basic Income and altruism
Participative and non-participative versions of a UBI
Events and Seminars
- Conference about a EU-wide UBI Oktober 2018, details: here.
- Seminar on UBI and social justice in the summer term 2019, details: here.