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Basic Income and the Euro-Dividend as Sociopolitical Pillars of the EU and its Member Countries



Basic Income and the Euro-Dividend as Sociopolitical

Pillars of the EU and its Member Countries


Interdisciplinary Conference at the University of Freiburg, Germany


October 11-12, 2018


Keynote Speakers:

Philippe Van Parijs (Université catholique de Louvain)

Olli E. Kangas (KELA, Finland)

Malcolm Torry (London School of Economics)

Antje Schrupp (political scientist)



Sascha Liebermann (Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences, Alfter)

Bernhard Neumärker (University of Freiburg)


In cooperation with:

Frankreich Zentrum of the University of Freiburg


About the Conference

In Europe, the public debate about a universal basic income (UBI) is usually a national one. In recent years, though, a European version of a UBI attracted more and more attention – primarily pushed by a suggestion of Philippe Van Parijs titled by him as a "Euro-Dividend".

This conference aims to shed light at pros and cons of a EU wide UBI regulation and its relation to national approaches from an interdisciplinary perspective. Both UBI approaches shall be analysed and discussed with respect to justice, economic and migration effects, legal aspects, creation of solidarity in the EU, and their political viability.



The first day of the conference will address general issues of a universal basic income (UBI) while the topics of the second day are the Euro-Dividend and other EU-related concepts.



Venue, Registration & Accommodation



 Alexander de Roo, Chairman Vereniging Basisinkomen, Netherlands:

     A realistic Basic Income needs two pillars. Answer to the trilemma (work incentives, inclusiveness and fiscal costs)

 Bernhard Neumärker, University of Freiburg:

     Social Sustainability and Sustainable Governance for Europe: The Euro-Dividend

Eduard Lukschandl, Member of Basinkomstpartiet (Sweden):

     A Proposal for Financing the UBI by Introducing a Parallel E-Currency

Geoff Crocker, Basic Income Forum:

     Basic Income Funded by Perpetual Deficit. A radical heterodox economics view 

Marcel Franke, University of Freiburg:

     UBI as a Mean to Peace: The European Case of a Toleration Premium

Robert Ulmer, Netzwerk Grundeinkommen, Bündnis Grundeinkommen:

     UBI and Solidary Hedonism against Authoritatian Nationalism

Ulrich Schachtschneider, Member of UBIE:

     Ecological Euro-Dividend - a Step to Unconditional Basic Income in Europe?


About Freiburg

Located in the triangular of Germany, Switzerland and France, close to the Black Forest, Jura and Voges, Freiburg's 220.000 inhabitants make it the largest city in southwest Germany. Founded in 1120, tradition and modernism blend into a harmonic mixture: While Freiburg is the vibrant cultural and economic center of the Black Forest region, it has managed to keep its traditional flair and a laid-back charm. More than 30.000 students make it a young city. Together with excellent local food and wine, the pleasant climate of Germany's warmest region and the beautiful landscape make Freiburg one of the most favorite destinations in Germany.


About us

The Basic Income Research Group (BIRG) of the Department of Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory analyses effects of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) on labor supply, voluntary work, and the society as a whole. One focus is on the ordopolitical development of a UBI and assessment of asocial-contractarian legitimized UBI. Parts of the research is done within the SoCoLab and Basic Income Seminars of the Department.


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