« February 2025 »
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Visiting Professors

We are pleased to welcome the following visiting professors at the GWP:


Summer semester 2021

Prof. Dr. Sascha Liebermann

In the context of his visiting professorship, Prof. Liebermann devotes himself to questions of the fundamental determination of the relationship between autonomy of life practice, political order and socio-political performance in order to gain a better understanding of how these three levels of action are interrelated. At the same time, the aim is to specify why in the UBI discussion the reference to the political order and its premises play such a subordinate role, although they are of elementary importance.


Winter semester 2020/2021

Prof. Dr. Alexander Spermann

Within the framework of the visiting professorship, Mr. Spermann will further develop his reform proposal "Basic money and tax credits instead of Hartz IV". In addition, a joint research project with Prof. Neumärker will look more closely at the interaction between basic money and net basic income.


Summer semester 2020

Em. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Friedrich Schneider

Within the framework of the guest professorship in the SS 2020, Prof. Friedrich Schneider and his Linz colleagues developed a model and an initial calculation of the financing of a consumption tax-financed UBI for Germany, in which Prof. Neumärker also participated. In addition, it is planned to develop a joint paper of Prof. Neumärker and Prof. Schneider on an "emergency" or "crisis" UBI to replace the previous aid payments.



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