Economic Policy & Public Choice
Lecture with Tutorial in WS 2014/2015
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Department for Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker
Time: | Wed, 10-12h |
Room: | HS 2121, KG II |
Start: | 2. Semester week |
Tutorial: Matthew Bonick
Time: | Tues, 12-14h |
Room: | HS 3118 KG III |
Start: | 3. Semester week |
Supplementary Tutorials: Mihaela Pavlova
General 1: | Wed, 8-10h, KG I, room 1019 |
General 2: | Fri, 10-12h, Alte Uni - HS 1 |
NBS: | Tues, 8-10h, Breisacher Tor, room 201 |
Start: | 4. Semester week |
Target Group and Language
- This course is designated for first-year students of the M.Sc. Economics program (economics and politics), the M.Sc. VWL program, the M.Sc. BWL program and Diplom-Students (Hauptstudium). Exchange students are equally welcome to participate.
- If students of other faculties (e.g. political science) wish to participate, they should contact the tutor by email before the third week of the semester.
- Recommended prerequisites: Good knowledge of microeconomics.
- This module is entirely taught in English.
Credits: 6 ECTS
- M.Sc. Economics: First-year course for profile "Economics and Politics".
- M.Sc. VWL (PO2014): "Wirtschaftspolitik" and "Constitutional Economics and Competition Policy".
- M.Sc. VWL (PO2011): "Wirtschaftspolitik (Ordnungspolitik)".
- Diplom VWL: "Wirtschaftspolitik (Ordnungspolitik)" and "Ordnungs- und Wettbewerbspolitik".
Downloads & Content
- Outlines and slides will be provided at this website.
- Literature will be provided on ILIAS.
- The passwords will be provided in the first sessions of the lecture and tutorial.
- Tutorial Syllabus
- Tutorial Slides 1
- Tutorial Slides 2
- Tutorial Slides 3
- Tutorial Slides 4
- Tutorial Slides 5
- Tutorial Slides 6
- Tutorial Slides 7
- Tutorial Slides 8
- Tutorial Slides 9
- Tutorial Slides 10
- Tutorial Slides 11
- Tutorial Slides 12
- Introduction
- Economic problems of economic policy
- Economic man and collective action
- Allocation and exchange
- Distribution and conflict
- Liberty and welfare
- Implementation and reform
- Stability and sustainability
- The public choice of economic policy
- Rational and behavioral public choice
- Positive and normative public choice
- Institutions and hierarchies of public choice
- Authoritarian policy formation
1.1 Leviathan governments
1.2 Autocratic regimes - Democratic organization and voting rules
2.1 Rational voting and basic voting systems
2.2 Direct and representative democracy
2.3 Legislature and Bureaucracy
2.4 Interest groups, rent-seeking and lobbying - Spatial hierarchy
3.1 Federalism
3.2 Supranational policy choice
- Liberal concepts of economic policy formation
- Ordoliberal design
- Liberal paternalism
- Constitutional political economy
- Application to special policy issues
- Redistribution in democracy
- Organizing the just welfare state
- Market regulation and privatization
- Constitutional budget constraints and their effects on economic policy
Introductory Textbooks:
- Hillman, A.L.: Public Finance and Public Policy, 2nd Ed., Cambridge 2009.
- Mueller, D.C.: Public Choice III, Cambridge 2003.
Additional readings will be announced in the lecture and tutorial.