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Matthew Bonick


E-Mail:matthew.bonick AT vwl.uni-freiburg.de

Office Hours : By appointment

Website : Link

CV : Link















Job Market Paper : "Extractive Institutions, the Reversal of Fortune and the Historical Roots of Racism"
We show that differences in present levels of racism within a sample of former European colonies can be traced back to historical institutions. Our identification strategy relies on the reversal of fortune, a historical shock capturing the exogenous establishment of different institutions during the onset of European colonization. Using both OLS and multilevel analysis, we find extractive historical institutions to be a strong predictor of higher levels of racism independent of present and other explanatory factors at the individual and country levels. We argue and provide evidence this relationship is causal and operates through persistent internal norms, beliefs and values, resilient to changes in institutional and economic circumstances.
Job Market Contact; matthewbonick@yahoo.com and I will be available at :
The European Job Market for Economist in Naples, Italy, December 6-7, 2018
The Allied Social Sciences Association (ASSA) annual meeting in Atlanta, U.S., January 4-6, 2019.  


Working Papers

  • On the origins and consequences of racism : PDF
  • Reversal of Fortune, Extractive Institutions and the Historical Roots of Racism : PDF


Awards and Fellowships

  • Institute for Humane Studies Fellowship
  • Adam Smith Fellowship
  • Student Fellow : Public Choice Society 2018
  • Student Fellow : Public Choice Society 2017
  • Hayek Fund Award 


Teaching Experience 

  • WS 18/19 Economic Policy and Public Choice
  • SS 18  Constitutional Economics 
  • SS 18  Seminar : Basic Income and Social Justice
  • WS 17/18 Economic Policy and Public Choice
  • SS 17  Constitutional Economics 
  • SS 17  Seminar : Basic Income and Social Justice
  • WS 16/17 Principles of Economics
  • WS 16/17 Public Choice in Theory and Practice 
  • WS 16/17 Economic Policy and Public Choice
  • SS 16 Seminar : Experimental Economics 
  • SS 16 Seminar : Basic Income and Social Justice
  • SS 15 Constitutional Economics 
  • SS 15 Principles of Economics SS 2016
  • WS 14/15 Economic Policy and Public Choice 


Priorities in research and teaching 

  • Economics and Racism
  • Social Norms
  • Political Economy 
  • Experimental Economics 
  • Constitutional Economics  


Academic References:
Prof. Dr. Karl Justus Bernhard Neumärker : University of Freiburg
Dr. Daniel Bennett : Baylor University
Dr. Daniel Meierrieks : WZB


Research Project:

  • Land Research Group: Institutions, Conflicts, Property Rights (ICP-L)
  • SoCo Lab


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