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Welcome - Department of Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory



News Item Klausureinsichten/ Exam Review
Hier finden Sie die aktuellen Termine und Regelung zur Klausureinsicht der Klausuren EPPC (WT 2019/20), TWR (WT 2019/20), ESJ (WT 2019,20) sowie der Nachtermine RG (ST 2019) und PSE (ST 2019). Here you will find the current dates and rules for exam review of the exams EPPC (WT 2019/20), TWR (WT 2019/20), ESJ (WT 2019.20) as well as the night appointments RG (ST 2019) and PSE (ST 2019).
News Item Klausureinsicht Nachtermin Privatrecht WS 15/16
Die Klausureinsicht der Privatrechtklausur des Nachtermins vom Wintersemester 15/16 findet am 04.08.2016 (Donnerstag) zwischen 10-12 Uhr im Lehrstuhl von Prof. Neumärker Raum 2432 statt. Die Einsicht kann NUR mit vorheriger Anmeldung bei bianca.blum@vwl.uni-freiburg.de gewährt werden!
News Item Klausureinsicht Haupptermin Privatrecht WS1516
Liebe Studenten, bitte zur Einsicht der Privatrecht Klausur mit Name, Matrikelnummer und möglichem Zeitfenster bei bianca.blum@vwl.uni-freiburg.de verpflichtend anmelden. Studenten, die ohne Anmeldung zu Einsicht kommen, können nicht berücksichtig werden. Raum 2432 Zeitfenster: Mittwoch (25.05.16) 12-14 Uhr (Termine 12.00 Uhr, 12.15 Uhr, 12.30 Uhr, 12.45 Uhr, 13.00 Uhr, 13.15 Uhr, 13.30 Uhr, 13.45 Uhr 14.00 Uhr) Freitag 9-11 Uhr (27.05.16) (Termine 9.00 Uhr, 9.15 Uhr, 9.30 Uhr, 9.45 Uhr, 10.00 Uhr, 10.15 Uhr, 10.30 Uhr, 10.45 Uhr, 11.00 Uhr).
News Item Klausureinsicht / Exam Review
Klausureinsichten für die Nachtermine im SoSe 2016 und Haupttermine im WS 2016/17 bitte dem Text entnehmen. Exam Review for Retakes of ST 2016 and Exams WT 2016/17 please see in the text.
News Item Exam Review Examtake/Retake Summer 2018 / Winter 2017/18
The exam review for the written exams in the summer of 2018 at the chair of Prof Neumärker will take place in the second and third week of lectures of the winter semester 2018/19. Possible dates are: Monday, October 22, 10-12; Tuesday 23.October 10-12; Monday, October 29, 10-12; Tuesday, October 30, 10-12; each in HS 2432. Review ONLY with PREVIOUS REGISTRATION via EMAIL at bianca.blum@vwl.uni-freiburg.de Please, when registering in the subject of the email: exam review. Specification of the written exam you want to see, as well as full name and matriculation number. You will not receive a confirmation email.
News Item Klausur Einsicht / Exam Review
Klausureinsichten für die im Sommersemester 2019 geschriebenen Klausuren der Götz Werner Professur Exam review for the written exams of the Götz Werner Professorship in the summer semester of 2019
News Item Interdisciplinary Workshop 'Large-scale land acquisitions between resource conflicts and sustainable rural development
Interdisciplinary Workshop 'Large-scale land acquisitions between resource conflicts and sustainable rural development', Freiburg, 17. November 2015, at the Arnold Bergsträsser Institute Freiburg (Co-organized by the Land Research Group: Institutions, Conflicts,Property Rights (ICP-L) at the University of Freiburg)"
News Item Fellowship Award - Matthew Bonick
Matthew Bonick has been selected to be an Adam Smith Fellow for the Academic Year 2016-2017 at Mercatus Center located within George Mason University.
News Item Fachschaftspreis Theorien wirtschaftspolitischer Reformen
In the winter semester 2017/18, Ms Bianca Blum received the Fachschaftspreis for the Best Masters Tutorial in the winter semester. We thank the student council and the students for the evaluations and are very proud to be awarded for good teaching.
News Item Expert Discusstion about the Nobel Prize in Economics 2015 to Angus Deaton
Expert Discusstion about the Nobel Prize in Economics 2015 to Angus Deaton by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker over the terms of the department research and teaching on the subject of this year's Nobel Prize winner
News Item Exam Review Klausureinsicht WT2018/19, Retake2018
Für Klausureinsichtstermine bitte anklicken. Please klick here to see possible dates.
News Item Exam Review Klausureinsicht
Dear students, the exam for the exams and retakes from the winter semester 2018/2019 (EPPC, Social Justice, Constitutional Economics, Fundamentals of Economic Policy) will take place in the second and third week of the 2019 summer semester. The dates will be published as soon as possible under "News" on our homepage. Liebe Studierende, die Klausureinsicht für die Haupt- und Nachtermine im Wintersemester 2018/2019 (EPPC, Social Justice, Constitutional Economics, Grundlagen der Wirtschaftspolitik) findet in der zweiten und dritten Woche des Sommersemesters 2019 statt. Die Termine werden baldmöglichst unter "Aktuelles" auf unserer Homepage veröffentlicht
News Item Exam Review
News Item Exam Review / Klausureinsicht Sommer 2017
Exam Review: Grundlagen der Wirtschaftspolitik HT2017 Constitutional Economics HT2017 Macht- und Konfliktökonomik HT2017 Theorien wirtschaftspolitischer Reformen NT2016 / 17 Economic Policy and Public Choice NT2016 / 17 Economics of Social Justice NT2016 / 17 Privatrecht NT2016 / 17 Financing Sustainable PPP NT2016 / 17 Human Relations in Business NT2016 / 17 Financial Markets and Institutions NT2016 / 17 Will take place on the following dates in room 2432: Mon, 23.10.2017 (10-12 am) Tue, Oct. 24, 2017 (10-12 am) Thu, 26.10.2017 (8-10 am) Fri, Oct. 27, 2017 (8-10 am) Please note that the review can only be granted with prior registration. Please send an email to: Bianca.Blum@vwl.uni-freiburg.de With subject: Exam Review Please provide your name, your student ID number and the exams you want to review in this email as well as one of the 4 dates on which you will attend.
News Item Entfall von EPPC und TWR am 09.11.2016
Wegen Krankheit von Prof Neumärker entfallen die Vorlesungen EPPC und TWR am 09.11.2016. Because of illness of Prof Neumärker, the lectures in TWR and EPPC will be skipped.
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