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Exam Review Examtake/Retake Summer 2018 / Winter 2017/18

The exam review for the written exams in the summer of 2018 at the chair of Prof Neumärker will take place in the second and third week of lectures of the winter semester 2018/19. Possible dates are: Monday, October 22, 10-12; Tuesday 23.October 10-12; Monday, October 29, 10-12; Tuesday, October 30, 10-12; each in HS 2432. Review ONLY with PREVIOUS REGISTRATION via EMAIL at bianca.blum@vwl.uni-freiburg.de Please, when registering in the subject of the email: exam review. Specification of the written exam you want to see, as well as full name and matriculation number. You will not receive a confirmation email.

The exam review for the written exams in the summer of 2018 at the chair of Prof Neumärker will take place in the second and third week of lectures of the winter semester 2018/19.
Possible dates are:
Monday, October 22, 10-12;
Tuesday 23.October 10-12;
Monday, October 29, 10-12;
Tuesday, October 30, 10-12;
each in HS 2432.

Review ONLY with PREVIOUS REGISTRATION via EMAIL at bianca.blum@vwl.uni-freiburg.de
Please, when registering in the subject of the email: exam review. Specification of the written exam you want to see, as well as full name and matriculation number.
You will not receive a confirmation email.

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