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Public Choice

Guest lecture by Prof. Dennis C. Mueller.

Public Choice, ST 2008

Prof. Dennis C. Mueller


Seminar (Lecture Format)

  • Schedule: The course meets
    • June 30th, at 9.30-11.00, room Sitzungssaal Wilhelmstr. 26, at 11.30-13.00, room Sitzungssaal Wilhelmstr. 26, at 14.00-15.30, room HS 3219 KG III, at 16.00-17.30, room 01014 Wilhelmstr. 26.
    • July 1st, at 9.30-11.00, room Sitzungssaal Wilhelmstr. 26, at 11.30-13.00, room Sitzungssaal Wilhelmstr. 26, at 14.00-15.30, room Sitzungssaal Wilhelmstr. 26.
    • July 2nd, at 9.30-11.00, room Sitzungssaal Wilhelmstr. 26, at 11.30-13.00, room Sitzungssaal Wilhelmstr. 26, at 14.00-15.30, room Sitzungssaal Wilhelmstr. 26.
    • July 3rd, at 9.00-10.30, room 2121 KG II, at 14.30-16.00, room 3219 KG III.

Target Group

This course is designated for second-year IMP-Students and Diploma-Students (Hauptstudium).


IMP, Diploma (creditable to Pflichtfach "Wirtschaftspolitik: Ordnungspolitik" and Pflichtwahlfach "Ordnungs- und Wettbewerbspolitik"): 
4 Credit Points (exam).



  • Dennis C. Mueller, Public Choice III, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  • Dennis C. Mueller, Constitutional Democracy, Oxford University Press, 1996.
  • Dennis C. Mueller, Capitalism and Democracy, Edgar Elgar, 2003.
  • Dennis C. Mueller, Perspectives on Public Choice, Cambridge University Press, 1997.


  1. Two-Party Competition
    • Public Choice III, ch. 11, 12; Constitutional Democracy, ch. 9.
  2. Multiparty Systems
    • Public Choice III, ch. 13; Constitutional Democracy, chs. 8-9.
  3. The Paradox of Voting
    • Public Choice III, ch. 14.
    • John H. Aldrich, "When is it Rational to Vote" in Perspectives, Ch. 17.
    • Morris P. Fiorina, "Voting Behavior" in Perspectives, Ch. 17.
  4. Rent Seeking
    • Public Choice III, ch. 15.
    • Robert Tollison, "Rent Seeking" in Perspectives, Ch. 23.
  5. Bureaucracy
    • Public Choice III, ch. 16.
  6. Candidate Competition and Campaign Contributions
    • Public Choice III, ch. 20.
  7. The Size of Government
    • Public Choice III, Chs. 21, 22; Capitalism and Democracy, Ch. 7.
    • Cheryl Holsey and Thomas Borcherding, "Why Does Government's Share of National Income Grow? in Perspecitves, Ch. 25.
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