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Welcome - Department of Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory



News Item Exam Review for EPPC, Constitutional Economics and Financing Sustainable Public-Private Partnerships
The exams for EPPC, Constitutional Economics and Financing Sustainable Public-private partnerships can be reviewed on Wednesday, 6.4 and 13.4., and Thursday, 7.4 and 14.4., from 10-12 pm in the HB of Prof. Neumärker (room 2432 KG II) .
News Item Inspection of exams in Constitutional Economics, EPPC and Financing Sustainable PPP
The exams for Constitutional Economics, EPPC and Financing Sustainable PPP will meet on Wednesday and Thursday, 07:10, 08:10, 14:10, 15:10, 21:10 and 22:10, respectively 10-12 clock in the HB of Prof. Neumärker (room 2432 KG II)
News Item Economic Policy and Public Choice and Social Justice Changes
News Item Ausfall Vorlesung TWR 27.11. Ersatz durch Übung
DieVorlesung in Theorien wirtschaftspolitischer Reformen am 27.11. wird durch das Abhalten der begleitenden Übungsveranstaltung ersetzt. Am 13.12. fällt hingegen hierfür die Übungsveranstaltung aus. Einen Ersatztermin für die Vorlesung gibt es bislang noch nicht.
News Item No Main & Sub-Tutorial EPPC on 03.12.
Due to the opening event of RES_TMO project, there will be no EPPC Main tutorial on Tuesday, 03rd december. Due to sickness, the english sub-tutorial has to be cancelled aswell.
News Item Announcement: Seminar “Basic Income and Social Justice”
News Item Änderung Tutorat Grundlagen der Wirtschaftspolitik
Das Tutorat, Mittwoch 16-18 Uhr von Frau Cavalcante wird nun dauerhaft auf Mittwoch 12-14 Uhr in HS 1227 verlegt! Diese Änderung tritt ab 11.05.2016 in Kraft
News Item Visiting Professor Prof. Dr. Alexander Spermann
Prof. Dr. Alexander Spermann will be visiting professor at the GWP in the winter semester 2020/2021. Within the framework of the visiting professorship, Mr. Spermann will further develop his reform proposal "Basic money and tax credits instead of Hartz IV". In addition, a joint research project with Prof. Neumärker will look more closely at the interaction between basic money and net basic income.
News Item "Tutzinger Thesen" as Online-Story-Tellingformat
The meaningfulness and feasibility of an unconditional basic income has been discussed for decades. Now, on 1 June 2021, a Germany-wide pilot project has begun through which 122 people will receive an unconditional basic income for three years. In an online conference format at the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, the topic was examined from several angles, including Prof. Neumärker's point of view. You find the press release by the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing here: https://www.ev-akademie-tutzing.de/tutzinger-thesen-zum-bedingungslosen-grundeinkommen/ You find the "Tutzinger Thesen" as Online-Story-Tellingformat here: https://www.ev-akademie-tutzing.de/tutzinger_thesen/bedingungsloses-grundeinkommen/
News Item Announcement of the Seminar "Grundprobleme des bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens"
News Item Room change for the exam in ESJ and TWR Ws 19/20
The exams in "Economics of Social Justice" and "Theorie wirtschaftspolitischer Reform" take place at HS Otto-Krayer-Haus (Adresse: Albertstraße 25) 01 089, second floor at the announced time. Please plan some time for the additional way.
News Item RES-TMO Opening Ceremony
On 3rd of December the RES-TMO Opening Ceremony takes place. Feel free to register at: https://www.trion-climate.net/text/373/de/ausblenden$/interreg-v-projektes-%E2%80%9Eres-tmo%E2%80%9C.html
News Item Petition for UBI
We would like to draw your attention to a petition for an unconditional basic income due to the corona crisis. For more information see: https://www.change.org/p/finanzminister-olaf-scholz-und-wirtschaftsminister-peter-altmaier-mit-dem-bedingungslosen-grundeinkommen-durch-die-coronakrise-coronavirusde?source_location=discover_feed
News Item Paper: Lessons from Globalization and the COVID-19 Pandemic for Economic
We would like to inform you about our latest publication on "Lessons from Globalization and the COVID-19 Pandemic for Economic, Environmental and Social Policy", which is now available in the journal "World". The paper is open access and can be downloaded free of charge as a pdf. You can download the Paper under this link: Abstract: https://www.mdpi.com/2673-4060/2/2/20 PDF Version: https://www.mdpi.com/2673-4060/2/2/20/pdf
News Item New CEN Working Paper has been published: No. 01-2021
Robin Anderl: Saubere Umwelt als öffentliches Gut Problem – Evidenz und Implikationen aus Labor- und Feldexperimenten CEN Paper No. 01-2021, https://www.wipo.uni-freiburg.de/CENworkpapers-en
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