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The staff of the Götz Werner Chair is accessible via E-mail due to given occasions. The E-mail-adresses are available under the slider "Team". Best regards and stay healthy!

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For News concerning the UBI please see the GWP Universal Income Bulletin.



News Item New Publication of the Land Research Group ICP-L
Yorck Diergarten and Tim Krieger: Large-Scale Land Acquisitions, Commitment Problems and International Law, in: Law and Development Review 2015; 8(1): 217–233
News Item New CEN-Paper 01-2015
Wolf/Dron (2015): Intergenerational Sharing of Non-Renewable Resources: An Experimental Study Using Rawls’s Veil of Ignorance.
News Item SusLight Project
Since 2015, Prof. Neumärker participates as a Co-Principal Investigator in the SusLight project, one of six pilot projects of the Sustainability Center of the University of Freiburg and five Fraunhofer institutes based in Freiburg (Leistungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit).
News Item New Publication of the Land Research Group ICP-L
Bujko, M., Fischer, C., Krieger, T., Meierrieks, D. (2015): How Institutions Shape Land Deals: The Role of Corruption. CESifo Working Paper No. 5178 (January 2015).
News Item New Publication: Alleviating barriers to urban climate change adaptation through international cooperation
New Publication: Alleviating barriers to urban climate change adaptation through international cooperation.
News Item New Publication: Explaining and overcoming barriers to climate change adaptation
Eisenack, K., S. Moser, E. Hoffmann, R. Klein, C. Oberlack, A. Pechan, M. Rotter, and C. Termeer, 2014: Explaining and overcoming barriers to climate change adaptation. Nature Climate Change 4, 867-872.
News Item New Publication of the Land Research Group ICP-L
Kamski, B. (2015): Wasser- & Landressourcen: Implikationen von Landtransaktionen auf Wasserkonflikte, in: Jäger, T. (ed.) Sicherheitsgefahren. Globale Gesellschaft und internationale Beziehungen (p. 83-92). Berlin, Heidelberg, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
News Item Workshop "Europe's crisis: The conflict theoretic perspective"
Interdisciplinary Workshop at the University of Freiburg, Germany, September 25-26, 2014
News Item Teaching Project "Large Mobile Lab" funded by the Innovation Fund (Teaching)
The teaching project "Interactive economic experiments in large lectures: Mobile Lab XXL" of the SoCoLab is funded by the Innovation Fund (Teaching) of the University of Freiburg.
News Item Karl Brandt Award
The Master Thesis "The Tolerance Premium as a Constitutional Element of the Protective and Welfare State" by Reto Wyss, written at our chair received the Karl-Brandt-Award.
News Item University Teaching Award 2012
The seminar "Social Contract Laboratory" (Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker) received the University Teaching Award 2012.
News Item Egon Matzner Award for Socio-Economics 2013
Dr. Alexander Lenger received the Egon-Matzner-Award for Socio-Economics 2013 for his Ph.D. Thesis "Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen, Ordnungspolitik und Inklusion: Beiträge aus konflikttheoretischer und kulturökonomischer Perspektive" (Justice Beliefs, Ordnungspolitik and Inclusion: Contributions from a conflict theoretical and cultural-economic perspective) supervised by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker.
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