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Exam Review

Klausureinsichtstermine für: Haupttermin Public Sector Economics Haupttermin Regulation and Competition Policy Nachtermin Theorien wirtschaftspolitischer Reformen Nachtermin Economic Policy and Public Choice Nachtermin Economics of Social Justice

 Dear students,

we will offer dates in October (around the 3rd week of October) to review the above-mentioned exams. You also have the opportunity to review exams from the last semester if you have not yet had the opportunity due to the Corona situation.
We will once again send a request with the mentioned dates via Illias and post the dates on our homepage.
You have to make a binding registration for exam review. Students who do not appear for a ireview without a valid reason or rejection will not be given an alternative date from us.
Please understand that we are also obliged to take vacation leave during the semester break and will therefore not offer any special dates or earlier inspections.
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