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Economic Policy & Public Choice

Lecture with Tutorial in WS 2010/2011

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker



Time:Thursday 10:15 - 11:45
Place:HS 2121

Main Tutorials (Mandatory)


Sneha Stephen

Time:Wednesday 8:30 - 10:00
Place:HS 2121


Cvetelina Todorova

Time:Wednesday 8:30 - 10:00
Place:HS 1009

Sub-Tutorials (Additional)

NBS:  Nicolas Weinhold

Time:Tuesday 16:15-17:45
Place:Breisacher Tor Room 101


General: Cvetelina Todorova

Time:Tuesday 16:15-17:45
Place:HS 3219



Lecture: First Week of Semester
Tutorial: Second Week of Semester
Sub-Tutorials: Third Week of Semester

Target Group

Integrated Master Program First-year Course (Lecture and Tutorial)

Hauptstudium, Anerkennung unter "Wirtschaftspolitik: Ordnungspolitik", "Ordnungs- und Wettbewerbspolitik", "Sozialpolitik"


6 Credit Points.


Sneha Stephen, Room 2441
Tel.: 203-2320
e-mail: sneha.stephen@vwl.uni-freiburg.de
Office hours: on appointment

Downloads for Lecture

Downloads for Tutorial

Downloads for Sub-Tutorial

Short Outline and Introductory References


  1. Introduction
  2. Economic problems of economic policy
    1. Economic man and collective action
    2. Allocation and exchange
    3. Distribution and conflict
    4. Liberty and welfare
    5. Implementation and reform
    6. Stability and sustainability
  3. The public choice of economic policy
    1. Rational and behavioral public choice
    2. Positive and normative public choice
  4. Institutions and hierarchies of public choice
    1. Authoritarian policy formation
      1.1 Leviathan governments
      1.2 Autocratic regimes
    2. Democratic organization and voting rules
      2.1 Rational voting and basic voting systems
      2.2 Direct and representative democracy
      2.3 Legislature
      2.4 Bureaucracy
      2.5 Interest groups, rent-seeking and lobbying
    3. Spatial hierarchy
      3.1 Federalism
      3.2 Supranational policy choice
  5. Liberal concepts of economic policy formation
    1. Ordoliberal design
    2. Liberal paternalism
    3. Constitutional political economy
  6. Application to special policy issues
    1. Redistribution in democracy
    2. Organizing the just welfare state
    3. Market regulation and privatization
    4. Constitutional budget constraints and their effects on economic policy



Introductory Textbooks:
  • Hillman, A.L.: Public Finance and Public Policy, 2nd Ed., Cambridge 2009.


  • Mueller, D.C.: Public Choice III, Cambridge 2003.

Additional readings will be announced. 


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