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Seminar "Financial Stability"

Picture Freiburg University2

Seminar in Summer Term 2015:

Financial Stability

Prof. Dr. Martin Götz
Goethe University Frankfurt/Main


Course Schedule


Target Group and Language

  • M.Sc. Economics: Profiles “Finance” and “Economics & Politics”, Second-year course
  • M.Sc. VWL (neue PO): Profillinien “Accounting, Finance and Taxation”, “Public Sector Economics and International Taxation”, “Constitutional Economics and Competition Policy”.
  • M.Sc. VWL (alte PO): Volkswirtschaftspolitik.
  • M.Sc. BWL (Public and Non-Profit Management): Wahlpflichtbereich.
  • Diplom VWL: Wirtschaftspolitik, Finanzmärkte, Ordnungs- und Wettbewerbsökonomik.

The seminar is held in English.



  • Preparatory meeting: Monday, April 27th, 2015, 13-15h, room 2330 KG II.
  • Progress report deadline: June 5th, 2015, 12:00 CET.
  • Seminar paper deadline: Thursday, June 25th, 2015, 12:00 CET.
  • Block Seminar: July 3rd (9-18h, room 1036 KG I) and July 4th, 2015 (9-18h, room 1019 KG I).


List of Topics


1.      The Role of Financial Intermediaries in the Economy

a.       How does the functioning of financial intermediaries affect the real economy?

b.      Why are (healthy) banks important for the functioning of the real economy?

2.      What is Financial Stability?

a.       How can one define financial stability?

b.      How do different institutions treat financial stability?

3.      Sovereign Risk and Financial Stability

a.       What are the links between sovereign risk and health of the financial sector?

b.      Are banks too-big-to-fail or too-big-to-save?

4.      Systemically Important Institutions and Systemic Risk

a.       What are systemically important institutions and how are they identified?

b.      What is ‘systemic risk’?

c.       What are ways to measure systemic risk?

5.      Regulation and Supervision

a.       What is the difference between micro- and macroprudential regulation?

b.      What are some recent changes in the regulation and resolution of financial intermediaries in Europe?

6.      Stress-testing

a.       What is the role of stress-testing in examining financial

b.       What are the outcomes of recent stress-test exercises?



Registration modalities

  • Students can register for the seminar by email to goetz.finance (AT) gmail.com
  • Registration opens on February 9th 2015 until the seminar capacity is reached.
  • Required information:
    • name, surname
    • matriculation code
    • course of study
    • semester
    • your 3 most preferred topics.
  • You will receive a confirmation about your application by email.


Examination modalities (4 ECTS)

  • Term paper, participation in class, presentation



 To be distributed in the first meeting.


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