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Seminar "The Political Economy of Conflict and Power"

Picture Freiburg University2

Seminar in WT 2014/2015:

The Political Economy of Conflict and Power

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker


Target Group and Language

  • M.Sc. Economics: Profile Economics and Politics, Second-year course
  • M.Sc. VWL: Volkswirtschaftspolitik.
  • Diplom VWL: „Wirtschaftspolitik (Ordnungspolitik)“, „Ordnungs- und Wettbewerbspolitik“


The seminar is entirely held in English language.



  • Preparatory meeting: Tuesday, 21 October, 14-16h, seminar room 2330 KG II.
  • Progress report deadline: 4 November 2014.
  • Seminar paper deadline: 24 November 2014. 
  • Block Seminar: 8-9 December 2014, Unihaus Schauinsland 


Place and Costs:

  • The costs for accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks and coffee breaks (approx. 50-60€ p.p.) have to be covered by seminar participants.
  • Participants have to arrange their travel arrangements to the Schauinsland themselves, e.g. by car (ca. 30 mins.) or public transport + 2km walking (ca. 60 mins).
  • Public transport option:
    • train Freiburg - Kirchzarten.
    • bus Kirchzarten - Hofsgrund (bus station "Halde").
    • approx. 2 km walking by foot to the Uni-Haus.
  • More details: www.uni-freiburg.de/universitaet/kontakt-und-wegweiser/gebaudeundraeume/unihaus



List of Topics

Block (A) Foundations

1. Towards an economic theory of power

2. Conflict technology and conflict functions

3. Alliance formation and conflict

Block (B) Political Economy of Conflict and Power in Modern Societies

4. Anarchy and predation

5. The power of the state

6. The distribution of power in the private economy

7. The conflict economics of rent seeking

Block (C) On Belligerent Transformations of the Social Order

8. On the incentives to revolt

9. The economics of terrorism

10. The political economy of war


Registration modalities

  • Students can register for the seminar by email to christoph.oberlack AT vwl.uni-freiburg.de.
  • Registration opens on July 28 until the seminar capacity is reached.
  • Needed information:
    • name, surname
    • matriculation code
    • course of study
    • semester
    • your 3 most preferred topics.
  • You will receive a confirmation about your application by email.


Examination modalities

  • Term paper, participation in class, presentation





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