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Basic Income and Social Justice



Seminar “Basic Income and Social Justice”

(Summer Term 2018)


Prof. Dr. K.J. Bernhard Neumärker


SoCoLab seminar, winner of a University teaching award 2012, deviates from a usual seminar setting. The students after reading the necessary papers and finish the required assignments will be welcomed during class to participate and discuss the elements of the theories and their ideas with Prof. Neumärker and his co-workers. The seminar consists of an introduction, 2 blocked meetings, a day of experiments with the participants, a session for the team experiments, and a concluding session. In the first sessions (Part I), the theoretical foundations are laid, and after the experiment sessions (Part II) follows one session with critical discussion (Part III). The participation in all the classes is obligatory in order to achieve maximum participation and understanding of the subjects. After the classes and the experiments for seminar participants are over, teams are given a sufficient amount of time to develop an experiment on the topic. In the team experiments, the participants are expected to critically reflect on one of the issues/aspects tackled in the seminar. The experiment design formalities and more specific information on the content will be provided to all participants.


The overall grade is the weighted as a sum of all three elements of the seminar with the following weights: Team Experiment and Paper/Report on a Basic Income Experiment: 60%, Assignments: 20%, Class Participation: 20%. The teams will be built, at the latest, after the “Experimental Sessions for Participants”.


Students will receive 6 ECTS credit points upon successful completion of the seminar. The Seminar can be recognized as “Topics in the Economics of Social Justice” for students enrolled in the “M.Sc. Economics” or “M.Sc. VWL” program. Students from outside economics can enroll if the course is accepted by their program.


Basic Income Groups and Topics :


1) Basic Income and Time Distribution : Supervisor , Anna Helena Palermo Kuss

2) UBI and reform : Supervisor , Bianca Blum

3) Risk of labor replacement and support of UBI : Supervisor , Marcel Franke

4) Basic Income and Occupational Choice : Supervisor ,  Max Trommsdorff

5) Preferences for UBI Models: Supervisor, Matthew Bonick


Time schedule:




HS 2330

10-12 h

Introductory Session 

27.04.2018 HS  2330

09-16 h

3 Two Hour Sessions on Basic Income Issues and Theories


HS 2330

09-16 h

3 Two Hour Sessions on Social Justice and Social Contracting with Respect to Basic Income and its Application in Experimental Logic and Design  


HS 2330

09-16 h

2 Three Hour Experimental Sessions for Participants


HS 2330

09-13 h

2 Two Hour Sessions for Team Experiments


For registration, the registration period begins on 03.02.2018 and students are requested to send an e-mail to “matthew.bonick@vwl.uni-freiburg.de” up to the day of the introductory meeting, date 17.04.2018. The latest date for registration is the “Introductory Session”. The seminar is on a first come first serve basis. In the email please send: surname, name, matriculation code, course of study and semester. There is a maximum of 25 people, policy is first come first serve.


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