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Ana Helena Palermo Kuss

Telefon:  +49 - (0) 761-203-2318

Fax:        +49 - (0) 761-203-2322

E-Mail:    ana.palermokuss@vwl.uni-freiburg.de 

Raum:   2436, Kollegiengebäude II

Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung


born Ana Helena Alves Palermo Cavalcante 


PhD Candidate

Her research centers on the discussion of the work-leisure dichotomy within the neoclassic labor model in economics and on the policy process of basic income within the Brazilian and German welfare state orders.


Dissertation project

 “Analyzing the Effects of Basic Income on Time Allocation and Productivity and its Policy Process”

The PhD project is divided in two parts. The first one develops a theoretical model to discuss the possible effects of an unconditional basic income (UBI) on people’s time allocation. The second investigates the policy process of such a reform (introduction of UBI) in the welfare state order. The work departs from a reformulation of the work-leisure dichotomy used to model people’s behavior concerning time allocation. This dichotomy is predominant in the economic sciences and is restrictive concerning the variety of ways in which we can invest our time. The idea behind the German word “Muße” is used to guide this reformulation. 


Teaching Experience   

  • SS 17: Subtutorial in “Constitutional Economics”
  • SS 17: Supervision of students during the seminar "Basic Income and Social Justice"
  • WS 16/17: Seminar: "Public Private Partnership (PPP) aus betrieblicher und politisch-ökonomischer Perspektive" (supervision and organisation)
  • WS 16/17: Tutorial in “Economics of Social Justice”
  • SS 16: Lecture in “Principles of Economics”
  • SS 16: Tutorial in “Constitutional Economics”
  • SS 16: Subtutorial in “Grundlagen der Wirtschaftspolitik”
  • SS 15: Tutorial in “Grundlagen der Wirtschaftspolitik”
  • WS 14/15: Tutorial in “Economics of Social Justice”



Priorities in research and teaching  

  • Economics of Social Justice 
  • Basic income
  • Regional and Global Socio-Ecological Conflicts
  • Political Economy of Land Investments
  • Institutional Economics
  • Development Theory and Development Policy 


Research Projects:

  • Basic Income Research Group (BIRG) link
  • Land Research Group: Institutions, Conflicts, Property Rights (ICP-L) link
  • Associated member of the CRC 1015 Otium. Boundaries, Chronotopes, Practices since  10/2017. 
  • “Ecopolitics: global governmentality, new institutionalization and resistance in the control society”. Undergraduate researcher (PIBIC) and scholarship holder under the guidance of Prof. Thiago Rodrigues in the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) (02-07/2012).
  • “The Amazon in the Social Sciences”. Undergraduate researcher (PIBIC) and scholarship holder under the guidance of Prof. Selene de Souza Carvalho dos Santos Herculano in the UFF (08/2010 -08/2011). Website of the project: www.uff.br/amazonia



  • Palermo Kuss, Ana Helena. 2017. Barriers to climate adaptation in urban areas: The case of water crisis in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. Brasiliana. Journal for Brazilian Studies, 5 (2), p.76-107.
  • Cavalcante, Ana Helena. 2015. Barriers and Opportunities for Climate Adaptation: The Water Crisis in Greater São Paulo, CEN Paper No. 04-2015.
  • Cavalcante, Ana Helena. 2012. Um estudo do “Especial Amazônia” da RBPI sob o espectro da Matriz securitização da Amazônia. Cadernos de Relações Internacionais, 5 (1).
  • Cavalcante, Ana Helena. 2011. A inserção temática da Amazônia nas Ciências Sociais, dos anos 70 aos anos 2000. Revista Vitas, 1 (2).


  • Testing preferences for and time allocation effects of basic income in the German context: A lab experiment. 28th Freiburg-Nagoya Joint Seminar, Freiburg (09/2018).
  • Microeconomic Effects of Basic Income on Time Allocation. International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy. 9th Annual Conference in Political Economy, Pula/ Croatia (09/2018).
  • Testing preferences for and time allocation effects of basic income in the German context: A lab experiment. Basic Income Earth Network Conference (BIEN), Tampere/Finland (08/2018).
  • The Microeconomic Effects of UBI on time allocation. Basic Income Earth Network Conference (BIEN), Lisbon (09/2017).
  •  Wasserkrise in der Metropolregion São Paulo. Historische Hintergründe und jetzige Situation“. Veranstaltung „Radio aktiv! Warum São Paulo auf dem Trockenen sitzt“, Volkshochschule Köln (02/2016).
  •  Barriers and Opportunities to Water Security in Greater São Paulo. Conference Brazil and Water, University of Hamburg (12/2015).
  • Barriers and Opportunities for Climate Adaptation: The Water Crisis in Greater São Paulo. International conference “Sustainable environmental politics and economy”, in the Free University of Berlin (07/2015).
  • Energy Security and Brazil: The Industry of Autonomy. VI Academic Congress on National Defense, in the Brazilian Air Force Academy (AFA), Pirassununga (10/2009).


Other activities

·      Field research at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) in the GovAmb with Prof.Ana Paula Fracalanza as part of the project “The Political Economy of Land Grabbing” (03-04/2015).

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