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Sie sind hier: Startseite Lehre Veranstaltungsarchiv WiSe 2011/12 Seminar "Political Economy of Conflict and Power"

Seminar "Political Economy of Conflict and Power"

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker


  •  M.Sc. Volkswirtschaftslehre: Volkswirtschaftspolitik
  • Integrated Master Program - Master of Economics and Politics: Second-year course
  •  Diplom: Hauptstudium, Anrechenbar in:
    • Pflichtfach „Wirtschaftspolitik: Ordnungspolitik“,
    • Pflichtwahlfach „Ordnungs- und Wettbewerbspolitik“


Interested students may register for the seminar at our department (room 2436) commencing on the 1st of August 2011. When registering, students may also apply for a specific topic (see list below). For further details on each topic, a detailed reading list is provided (see end of page).


The student's grade (4 credits) will be based on the participation in class during the seminar (20%), the term paper handed in two weeks ahead of the respective session (50%) and the presentation of the topic (30%).

Preparatory Meeting

A preparatory meeting will take place at the beginning of the semsester (2nd of November, 2-4 p.m., room 2330, KG II). The seminar will be held as a blocked seminar in December (12th – 13th of December at Uni-Haus Schauinsland; further information)



  (A) Basic Issues

1. Towards an economic theory of power
2. Conflict technology and conflict functions
3. Alliance formation and conflict
(B) Political Economy of Conflict and Power in Modern Societies
4. Anarchy and predation
5. The power of the state
6. The distribution of power in the private economy
7. The conflict economics of rent seeking
(C) On Belligerent Transformations of the Social Order
8. On the incentives to revolt
9. The economics of terrorism
10. The political economy of war


Reading List (Password provided after registration)


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