Constitutional Economics
Information and documents concerning the course "Constitutional Economics" in Summer Term 2010.
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker
Institute for General Economic Research
Section for Economic Policy
Time: Thu. 11 - 13h c.t.
Place: Room 2121
Time: Mo. 14-16h c.t.
Place: Room 3042
Supplementary Tutorials
- General Group: Wed 8-10 h c.t., Room 1222
- NBS Group: Thu 8-10 h c.t., Room 1137
Lecture: First semester week.
Tutorial: Second semester week.
Supplementary Tutorials: Third semester week.
Target Group
This course is designated for first-year IMP-Students (Master of Economics and Politics), Diploma-Students (Hauptstudium) and students of other faculties (Magister).
IMP, Diploma (creditable to Pflichtfach "Wirtschaftspolitik: Ordnungspolitik" and Pflichtwahlfach "Ordnungs- und Wettbewerbspolitik") and other students: 6 Credit Points (exam including tutorial).
Sarah Jamil
Room: 2430
Office hours: On appointment
- Outline
- Tutorial 1
- Tutorial 2
- Tutorial 3
- Tutorial 4
- Tutorial 5 (Former Exam Questions)
- Tutorial 6
- Tutorial 7
- Tutorial 8
- Tutorial 9
Supplementary Tutorial:
Outline and References
- Introduction
- The constitutional perspective in economics
- Constitutional and orthodox view of economics [3,4,6,8]
- The methodological hard core of constitutional analysis [4]
- Constitutional economics as a part of modern political economy [3,4,14]
- The logic of constitutional constraints [3,4,6,14]
- Constitutional design and constitutional reform [2,9,10,13]
- Constitutions as social contracts [10,12,13,14]
6.1 Explicit and implicit contracts
6.2 Complete and incomplete contracts - Normative and positive constitutional economics [1,4,9,11,13,15]
7.1 Emergence and stability of constitutions
7.2 Economic effects of constitutional rules
7.3 'Optimal' constitutions
- Applications
- Constitutional design of democratic institutions [1,7,10,14]
- Fiscal constitutions [3]
- Constitutional rules for market regulation [5,13]
- Constitutional change and rent-seeking [8,14]
- Economic policy consequences of constitutional arrangements [5,15]
- Acemoglu, D., Robinson, J.A.: Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, Cambridge 2006.
- Bailey, M.J.: Constitution for a Future Country, Basingstoke et al. 2001.
- Brennan, G., Buchanan, J. M.: The Power to Tax, Cambridge et al. 1980.
- Brennan, G., Buchanan, J. M.: The Reason of Rules, Cambridge et al. 1985.
- Buchanan, J. M.: The Constitution of Economic Policy, in: American Economic Review 77 (1987), 243-250.
- Buchanan, J. M.: The Limits of Liberty, Chicago 1975.
- Buchanan, J.M., Tullock, G.: The Calculus of Consent, Ann Arbor 1962.
- Cooter, R.D.: The Strategic Constitution, Princeton/N.J. et al. 2000.
- Dixit, A.K.: The Making of Economic Policy, Cambridge/Mass. 1996.
- Gersbach, H.: Designing Democracy, Berlin et al. 2005.
- Greif, A.: Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy, Cambridge 2006.
- Hardin, R.: Liberalism, Constitutionalism, and Democracy, Oxford 1999.
- Laffont, J.-J.: Incentives and Political Economy, Oxford et al. 2000.
- Mueller, D.C.: Public Choice III, Cambridge 2003.
- Persson, T., Tabellini, G.: The Economic Effects of Constitutions, Cambridge/ Mass. 2003.
Supplementary articles will be announced.