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"Tutzinger Thesen" as Online-Story-Tellingformat
- The meaningfulness and feasibility of an unconditional basic income has been discussed for decades. Now, on 1 June 2021, a Germany-wide pilot project has begun through which 122 people will receive an unconditional basic income for three years. In an online conference format at the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, the topic was examined from several angles, including Prof. Neumärker's point of view. You find the press release by the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing here: https://www.ev-akademie-tutzing.de/tutzinger-thesen-zum-bedingungslosen-grundeinkommen/ You find the "Tutzinger Thesen" as Online-Story-Tellingformat here: https://www.ev-akademie-tutzing.de/tutzinger_thesen/bedingungsloses-grundeinkommen/
Paper: Lessons from Globalization and the COVID-19 Pandemic for Economic
- We would like to inform you about our latest publication on "Lessons from Globalization and the COVID-19 Pandemic for Economic, Environmental and Social Policy", which is now available in the journal "World". The paper is open access and can be downloaded free of charge as a pdf. You can download the Paper under this link: Abstract: https://www.mdpi.com/2673-4060/2/2/20 PDF Version: https://www.mdpi.com/2673-4060/2/2/20/pdf
Exam review WS20/21
Announcement of the International Conference Series: 3 - Braga (Ptgl) by UBIEXP
- We want to draw your attention to the event "International Conference on the Political Philosophy, Social Sciences and Policy Analysis of Basic Income Experiments" organized by UBIEXP. CALL FOR PAPERS and FINAL PROGRAM WILL BE LAUNCHED SOON. The conference is scheduled for July 1-3, 2022. University of Minho, Braga, Portugal Organizer: UBIEXP Research Project, Centre for Ethics, Politics & Society (University of Minho) For further informations and updates please visit the event website: https://ubiexperiments.weebly.com/conference-3--political-theory-and-social-policy-analysis.html
Announcement of the online workshop "The Ethics of UBI in a Changing Economy"
- On April 23rd, an online-workshop on the ethics of a Universal Basic Income is hosted by the King’s College London. The workshop tackles the theoretical issues surrounding the normative justification(s) for UBI and evaluate the practical feasibility of UBI in comparison to competing policy responses from a political economy perspective. To register for the workshop, send an email to EUBI1@easychair.org. For more information, please see the flyer.
Tender for Post-Doctoral Researcher in Bath, London
- The Institute for Policy Research (IPR) at the University of Bath is seeking a post-doctoral research associate for the FRIBIS-Team Microsimulations. The Research Associate will conduct microsimulation research for the group and organise its collaborative activities, under the direction of Prof Nick Pearce, Director of the IPR. Expertise and experience in using microsimulation models such as EUROMOD is essential. The post is offered for two years in the first instance, with the possibility of extension in due course.The full tender is available on the website of the Bath University: https://www.bath.ac.uk/jobs/Vacancy.aspx?ref=DD8214
Announcement of Seminars in Summersemester 2021
- We are pleased to offer two seminars for master students on the topic of unconditional basic income at the GWP in the summer semester 2021. Prof. Neumärker and Prof. Liebermann will each offer a seminar. For more information, please refer to the announcements.
New CEN Working Paper has been published: No. 01-2021
- Robin Anderl: Saubere Umwelt als öffentliches Gut Problem – Evidenz und Implikationen aus Labor- und Feldexperimenten CEN Paper No. 01-2021, https://www.wipo.uni-freiburg.de/CENworkpapers-en
Visiting Professor Prof. Dr. Alexander Spermann
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Spermann will be visiting professor at the GWP in the winter semester 2020/2021. Within the framework of the visiting professorship, Mr. Spermann will further develop his reform proposal "Basic money and tax credits instead of Hartz IV". In addition, a joint research project with Prof. Neumärker will look more closely at the interaction between basic money and net basic income.
Klausureinsichten WS19/20, SoSe20; Exam Review WT19/20, ST20
- Klausureinsichten WS19/20, SoSe20; Exam Review WT19/20, ST20 Für mögliche Termine bitte klicken. Please click for possible dates.
Exam Review
- Klausureinsichtstermine für: Haupttermin Public Sector Economics Haupttermin Regulation and Competition Policy Nachtermin Theorien wirtschaftspolitischer Reformen Nachtermin Economic Policy and Public Choice Nachtermin Economics of Social Justice
Corona help for students
- We want to inform you: Informationen für Studierende zur aktuellen Situation in der Corona-Krise des Sozialreferat der Albert-Ludwig Universitäts-Freiburg hinweisen. Diese finden Sie unter: https://www.stura.uni-freiburg.de/gremien/referate/sozial
Rules for the conduction of exams due to corona
- Please take the rules of conduction of exams due to corona in SS2020 into account: https://www.wipo.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/SS%202020/Corona_Exams
Klausureinsichten/ Exam Review
- Hier finden Sie die aktuellen Termine und Regelung zur Klausureinsicht der Klausuren EPPC (WT 2019/20), TWR (WT 2019/20), ESJ (WT 2019,20) sowie der Nachtermine RG (ST 2019) und PSE (ST 2019). Here you will find the current dates and rules for exam review of the exams EPPC (WT 2019/20), TWR (WT 2019/20), ESJ (WT 2019.20) as well as the night appointments RG (ST 2019) and PSE (ST 2019).
Information about the basic income on the FRIBIS homepage; Order Newsletter.
- The Götz Werner Chair at the University of Freiburg founded the Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies, FRIBIS. Information about the basic income, developments of FRIBIS research groups, news, and updates are available on the FRIBIS homepage. https://www.fribis.uni-freiburg.de/en/fribis/ At the bottom of the homepage you can also order the FRIBIS newsletter.