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Political Theory of Peace Studies and Conflict Management

Information concerning the lecture "Political Theory of Peace Studies and Conflict Management" by Marcel Baumann in SoSe 2007.

Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. K.J. Bernhard Neumärker

Abteilung für Wirtschaftspolitik

Marcel Baumann


Date: Lecture, Monday, 11 Uhr c.t. - 13 Uhr

Room: HS 3118, KG III 

Group of Participants:

  • Integrated Master Program - Master of Economics and Politics: Second-year course.
  • Hauptstudium, Pflichtfach "Wirtschaftspolitik: Ordnungspolitik", Pflichtwahlfach "Ordnungs- und Wettbewerbspolitik".

Die Vorlesung wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten. Es können 4 Kreditpunkte erworben werden.

Office hours:
Tuesday, 11 - 13 Uhr; Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut für Kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung, Windaustr. 16, 79110 Freiburg, Room 142.



16. April 2007: Introduction: Political theory of peace studies and conflict management in the 21st century

23. April 2007:

Sociology of knowledge
The foundations of science & social science: philosophical and theoretical implications
Peace science and social science
Research agendas, methodologies, approaches

30. April 2007: Clarifying key concepts: peace — violence — war
Basic propositions of peace and conflict studies

7. May 2007:

Interdisciplinary approaches: violence as a research phenomenon for political science, psychology, biology et al.

14. May 2007: Conflict Resolution — Conflict Management — Conflict Transformation
Theory of Third-Party Intervention
Arbitration — Facilitation — Mediation
21. May 2007: Peacebuilding approaches in comparative perspective
Dynamics and complexity of peace processes
The political economy of transition processes: the peace industry
4. June 2007: Global conflict transformation activities: examples of best practices and failure
Case studies: Namibia; Macedonia; Rwanda et al.
11. June 2007: Post-conflict peacebuilding and Nation-building
Complex Power-Sharing Systems in comparison
18. June 2007: Re-building war-torn societies
Transitional justice: theory and practice of reconciliation
Case studies: South Africa; Chile; Guatemala
25. June 2007: The political sociology of “terrorism”: anthropological and ethnological discourses
Case studies: Northern Ireland; Basque country
2. July 2007: Alternatives: Gandhi’s way: Satyagraha
9. July 2007: New challenges for peace studies: the just war tradition and humanitarian interventions
Case studies: Kosovo; Iraq; „War on terror“
16. July 2007: Written Exam






















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