The staff of the Götz Werner Chair is accessible via E-mail due to given occasions. The E-mail-adresses are available under the slider "Team". Best regards and stay healthy!
- New Publication of the Land Research Group ICP-L
- Yorck Diergarten and Tim Krieger: Large-Scale Land Acquisitions, Commitment Problems and International Law, in: Law and Development Review 2015; 8(1): 217–233
- New CEN-Paper 01-2015
- Wolf/Dron (2015): Intergenerational Sharing of Non-Renewable Resources: An Experimental Study Using Rawls’s Veil of Ignorance.
- SusLight Project
- Since 2015, Prof. Neumärker participates as a Co-Principal Investigator in the SusLight project, one of six pilot projects of the Sustainability Center of the University of Freiburg and five Fraunhofer institutes based in Freiburg (Leistungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit).
- New Publication of the Land Research Group ICP-L
- Bujko, M., Fischer, C., Krieger, T., Meierrieks, D. (2015): How Institutions Shape Land Deals: The Role of Corruption. CESifo Working Paper No. 5178 (January 2015).
- New Publication: Alleviating barriers to urban climate change adaptation through international cooperation
- New Publication: Alleviating barriers to urban climate change adaptation through international cooperation.
- New Publication: Explaining and overcoming barriers to climate change adaptation
- Eisenack, K., S. Moser, E. Hoffmann, R. Klein, C. Oberlack, A. Pechan, M. Rotter, and C. Termeer, 2014: Explaining and overcoming barriers to climate change adaptation. Nature Climate Change 4, 867-872.
- New Publication of the Land Research Group ICP-L
- Kamski, B. (2015): Wasser- & Landressourcen: Implikationen von Landtransaktionen auf Wasserkonflikte, in: Jäger, T. (ed.) Sicherheitsgefahren. Globale Gesellschaft und internationale Beziehungen (p. 83-92). Berlin, Heidelberg, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Workshop "Europe's crisis: The conflict theoretic perspective"
- Interdisciplinary Workshop at the University of Freiburg, Germany, September 25-26, 2014
- Teaching Project "Large Mobile Lab" funded by the Innovation Fund (Teaching)
- The teaching project "Interactive economic experiments in large lectures: Mobile Lab XXL" of the SoCoLab is funded by the Innovation Fund (Teaching) of the University of Freiburg.
- Karl Brandt Award
- The Master Thesis "The Tolerance Premium as a Constitutional Element of the Protective and Welfare State" by Reto Wyss, written at our chair received the Karl-Brandt-Award.
- University Teaching Award 2012
- The seminar "Social Contract Laboratory" (Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker) received the University Teaching Award 2012.
- Egon Matzner Award for Socio-Economics 2013
- Dr. Alexander Lenger received the Egon-Matzner-Award for Socio-Economics 2013 for his Ph.D. Thesis "Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen, Ordnungspolitik und Inklusion: Beiträge aus konflikttheoretischer und kulturökonomischer Perspektive" (Justice Beliefs, Ordnungspolitik and Inclusion: Contributions from a conflict theoretical and cultural-economic perspective) supervised by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker.